To the west, in the central part of the country, are two high rolling plateaus: the Dry Harbour Mountains to the north and the Manchester Plateau to the south.

This range rises to elevations of over 1,000 metres (3,300 ft). To the north of the Blue Mountains lies the strongly tilted limestone plateau forming the John Crow Mountains. In this part of the country, the old metamorphic rock reveals itself through the surrounding limestone. The Blue Mountains rise to these elevations from the coastal plain in the space of about 16 kilometres (9.9 mi), thus producing one of the steepest general gradients in the world. The highest point is Blue Mountain Peak at 2,256 metres (7,402 ft). For a distance of over 3 kilometres (1.9 mi), the crest of the ridge exceeds 1,800 metres (5,900 ft). These eastern mountains are formed by a central ridge of metamorphic rock running northwest to southeast from which many long spurs jut to the north and south. The highest area is the Blue Mountains range. The country can be divided into three landform regions: the eastern mountains, the central valleys and plateaus, and the coastal plains. In many places, the limestone is thousands of feet thick. During periods of submersion, thick layers of limestone were laid down over the old igneous and metamorphic rock. Jamaica and the other islands of the Antilles evolved from an arc of ancient volcanoes that rose from the sea millions of years ago. It has an Exclusive Economic Zone of 258,137 km 2 (99,667 sq mi). Alice Shoal, 260 km (160 mi) southwest of the main island of Jamaica, falls within the Jamaica–Colombia Joint Regime. To the southeast lies Morant Bank, with the Morant Cays, 51 km (32 mi) from Morant Point, the easternmost point of mainland Jamaica. Southwest of mainland Jamaica lies Pedro Bank, an area of shallow seas, with a number of cays (low islands or reefs), extending generally east to west for over 160 km (99 mi). Many small islands are located along the south coast of Jamaica, such as the Port Royal Cays. However, Jamaica is the largest island of the Commonwealth Caribbean and the third largest of the Greater Antilles, after Cuba and Hispaniola. At its greatest extent, Jamaica is 235 km (146 mi) long, and its width varies between 34 and 84 km (21 and 52 mi). Jamaica lies 140 km (87 mi) south of Cuba and 190 km (118 mi) west of Haiti. Jamaica's parishes, rivers and population centres and other features